Hypnobirthing is a childbirth preparation method that uses relaxation and visualization techniques to help pregnant persons achieve a calm and positive birth experience. It is based on the belief that childbirth is a natural and normal process, and that fear and tension can interfere with the body’s ability to birth a baby.
Studies have shown that hypnosis can help with pain management which helps increase relaxation, and promote a sense of control over the birth process.
Hypnobirthing works by using relaxation and visualization techniques to help pregnant persons enter a state of self-hypnosis. In this state, persons are able to focus on their breathing and relax their bodies, which can help to reduce pain and anxiety.
Pregnant persons who are in a state of hypnosis are also more likely to be able to visualize a positive birth experience, which can help to create a more positive mindset.
There are many benefits to using hypnobirthing, including:
When choosing a hypnobirthing class, it is important to find one that is right for you. Some factors to consider include the instructor’s experience, the class format, and the cost.
This class series is for pregnant couples between 16-35 weeks gestation, as well as first-time parents, experienced parents wanting a better birth experience, and birthing persons with previous caesareans & wanting a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC).
Hypnobirthing classes typically cover a variety of topics, including:
Once you have chosen a hypnobirthing class, be sure to attend all of the sessions. This will give you the best chance of success.
The Mongan Method is a premium, evidenced-based childbirth education program that considers the psychological, as well as the physical well-being of the mother, birth partner, and newborn, independent of context, whether that be in the quiet of a home, a hospital, or a birth center.
It was developed by Marie Mongan, a counselor and an award winning hypnotherapist following her own birth experiences. Classes are taught by qualified educators, certified by the HypnoBirthing Institute, to pregnant persons and their partners, and can also provide support and guidance during pregnancy and childbirth. Couples receive a copy of the book HypnoBirthing®: The Mongan Method by Marie Mongan, including Rainbow Relaxation audio download, a manual, as well as other resources and handouts.
Hypnobirthing is a childbirth preparation method that can help pregnant persons achieve a calm and positive birth experience. If you and your partner are looking for a natural and positive childbirth experience, hypnobirthing may be a good option for you.
Yogamazia offers HypnoBirthing childbirth education classes. To learn more about our free information sessions, contact us and obtain some additional tips for using hypnobirthing to help with childbirth.
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